He Was A Boy Who Smiled: Phoenix Falling (Book 2)



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Book Two of Michael Stoneburner’s Memoire.

If he was a phoenix falling, then what brought him to his doom?

Michael’s life was falling apart. His parents, still in their twenties, struggled to raise not two, but three children. His loving mom grew more and more distant. The Shadow Monster continued to haunt and rampage the triangle house at night. Michael struggled not to be the curse of the family and be the normal boy everyone wanted him to be.His new teacher, Ms. West, might have been a witch. She seemed to have control over the classroom with just a snap of her fingers. She introduced a new cruelty into Michael’s life with gooey lips, a phone call home and a white room with 198 bricks. Set in the 80s, grow up with Michael in Coleman, Michigan with his cat, Whiskey, an odd friend with two playful unicorns, Stoneburner Jamborees and Paul. He keeps hearing that he is defiant and tries to find a place where he won’t cause any trouble until he comes to terms with a startling truth about his fiery phoenix.This is the continuing story about a boy who learns at an early age despite the world giving him reasons not to, he was a boy who smiled anyway.


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