Freedom of Speech

To Whom It May Concern:

Your freedom of speech is not in trouble. You aren’t at risk of losing it. Not even close. If you aren’t in jail or beaten or dead because of something you’ve said, you still got it.

What you are at risk of losing is the lack of consequences that come from what you say. The internet has given us all a false sense of security, hasn’t it? We can be whomever we want. Fake profile pic. Fake persona. We can hide behind it. We don’t need authenticity with that kind of illusion, do we?

Money also hides some of us. They can buy good publicity. Use what they create against the rest of us.

Don’t confuse privilege with rights.

If the last 4 years have taught many of us is that there appears to be no accountability for people’s actions or consequences. People can literally walk into the streets and fire a gun and it doesn’t appear to change anything. Or someone with high privilege, let’s say an author of a popular children’s book series, can spread hate speech around and still have publishing rights and continue on with spreading their hate.

And, people are tired of it. Tired of seeing the law step in and protect these people. So, what do people do?

They do what they do best. They speak up and rally together and demand accountability and consequences. Now, sure these can go too far, but we are all human. We feel. We FEEL. Oh boy, do we certainly feel and sometimes that can overthrow logic and understanding and compromise.

Cancel culture is a great example of people counteracting many injustices, lack of accountability and consequence. If legally, these people get to say these horrific things, which is definitely a right not everyone has, then why should they get our money? Our time? Our thoughts? Our energies?

Why do we have to listen? It’s not like those same people who claim their freedom of speech is being taken away are taking the time to listen? To truly listen. With open-minds. Compassion. Tolerance. Understanding. Acceptance.

So, say what you want to say. You’re right. It’s your freedom, but get over the idea that you also have freedom of consequence. You don’t. If your words anger, upset, hurt, offend or simply state something they disagree with, they’re not going to be your audience. They won’t buy your products. They won’t listen to you. They won’t waste their time with you for another second.

And that’s okay, because with your freedom, comes the understanding that you are talking to your own audience anyway. So why would you want people who disagree with you to waste your time or your money or your thoughts?

It works both ways.

No one has to listen to you. No one. Nor me. I know I’m writing this because I have the freedom to write it. I know there will be consequences for writing this. I also know that not everyone will read this.

And that’s okay, that’s your right.

So, chill. No one is coming after your freedom of speech. Say what you want to say.

Just learn to face the consequences. Not everyone is going to love you, them, us, me, it, etc. But people are tired of hate. People are tired of judgement. Tired of lies. Tired.

And so are you, “To Whom It May Concern”.

Maybe. Just maybe. If you accept yourself and that not everyone else has to, you’ll be comfortable in what you say, what happens when you say it and the type of people you surround yourself with because of these words.

But know this, hate, discourse, lack of acceptance in differences, judgement and lies have consequences. Don’t like them?

Try using words that come from a place of love and compassion and watch the world change.

Kind Regards,


2 Replies to “Freedom of Speech”

  1. This one hits close to home because I recently tweeted something that lost me a follower who I really cared about. It’s difficult to always be sensitive, especially when you are really sarcastic like me. You are right though, kindness and tolerance are key. I am more careful now with what I say online.

    Cheers Michael

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